All material is original, created and copyright Mark Burkenbine 2013-2024

Friday, December 27, 2013

Church of the Ringin Ten

Everybody say Yayessss. Good evening to you, brothers and sisters. We are all gathered here today to roll some thundah.... to pound the get that ten out and celebrate a few moments of victory, or defeat , with our friends. Our brothers from another mother. Fellow bowlers. Confess your grief. Tell me all about it. Enjoy a cold one. Clear your head until the next session. .....share with us. How do you knock them all down?    
Wouldn't you all love to own a bowling center?   They say the best way to be a millionaire is to buy a bowling alley for 3 million and hope you have one left when you close....

Careful what you wish for
If you work for it, it could be yours
The good, the bad, and the other
The closing of the doors

Where you spend one or two days of the week of your life
I was behind the counter       morning , noon, and nights
Watching the doctors, factory workers, kids
councilmen, teachers and housewifes

You watch the birthday parties, celebrate babies born,
as other customers pass , gone away from your store
Watch friends   fall in love
and some
would surely marry

you raise money for the sick, and the families in states of loss and suddenly poor
and then   in the end   they closed the door
to your bowling alley

A whole community
once spent a day or two
knocking down pins
rolling a ball
 having a beer
a smoke and a burger, talking with friends
The poor mans country club,
The bowling alley was town hall

You listened to the stories and the gossip
bitched about your boss, who bitched about you
 while bowling league on Monday night
It was a little dark and dated...sometimes there would be a little fight
but we kept score for 35 nights
and teaching someone to pick up a ten pin
somehow, made a lot of little wrongs all right

Careful what you wish for
If you do this right
It could soon be all yours
the good , the bad and the other
and the closing of the doors

I spent so many Sundays of this life
bowling for money, trying to strike
In the Church of the Ringing Ten

and As I look back at the good, great and crappy places I have been
There was never a better place to learn about all walks of life
Not where, Not how, and Never When
It was always the place to be taught a lesson
The Gospel
of the Church of the Ringin Ten

but times have changed, it costs a little more
as a machine keeps your score
Building is nice and bright and seems safer now-not sure what for
and the regulars don't come as often , through those automatic doors

Big box center with all the tricks and
its pretty and clean, at least for a little while
Just doesn't make you want to smile
It's just a business now
Now the old alley , it had Character,  Community  & Style

The alley is gone. Time passed it by
machine keeps score
Big box center just doesn't feel like home
Big box center
with machines keeping score
Losing friends takes its toll
That dark ole bowling alley had character
and those characters gave a game and a building a  SOUL

Written , created, and owned by Mark Burkenbine, December 27, 2013
Copyright  Mark Burkenbine 2013

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

#famous people

# hashtag #hashtag
do you know the #rules
#hashtag #hashtag
all a bunch of  #fools

#famous people #doing thing
#famous people # buying bling
#famous people #faking sing
#famous people # stealing ring

Doesn't seem to matter what they do
#famous people #still get luv from u

#famous people  #get rehab
when you would go to jail
#famous people  # get let go
and you will say the system fail

#famous people # reality show
#reality?           no! 
#famous people # are famous
#because you said it is so

# hashtag #hashtag
do you have the tools?
#hashtag #hashtag
put down your phone and go back to school

#famous people # wreck their cars
#famous people # drink and drive
#famous people # think they're stars
#famous people# a little closer to God than you and I

# famous people # don't all abuse
#famous people # power that they hold
#famous people # hate the good they lose
#famous people # when the monkeys steal the show

#hashtag #hashtag
no value in paying for a mule
#hashtag #hashtag
shiny and polished, stool is still stool.

Forgive me, famous people. My bitterness is not meant at all of you.  This was written during a time of personal concern for myself and my family, and many friends.  But, famous people, you know which ones I am talking about.  I hope to learn and earn the ability to be one of you , someday. I hope to do much good. I hope that you all would...

written , published, owned by Mark Burkenbine December 3, 2013
copyright 2013 Mark Burkenbine

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Black Coffee and Rum

So, I am having another one of another one of those days.  I am trying to figure out how these words got onto the same piece of paper, cause I can't do much else today. I am always trying to get something out of a wasted day. This would probably be a song/speak ish thing, music looping the whole time and the lyrics are just a conversation about the crap in peoples heads. The music is playing now, imagine your own. For me this may be kind of be like that one song except nobody is going to be all right :) By the way,  Black coffee and rum are awful together but it does wake you up and numb you out a little.

Black Coffee and Rum

I'm picking my life apart
going to  keep the good things I've had
say goodbye to the sad
But saying goodbye to the sad
things in life
doesn't really work so well
a restraining order is sometimes necessary
and some of this stuff you will meet again in hell

<Today I am thankful for
muscle relaxers    anti inflammatories  a tens unit   and of course
black coffee and rum

so I am half looped and half realizing
where all this crap has come from
and I am still hurting, in a state of
uncomfortably dumb>

Shit happens and there's no place to go
you can't run from a bad decision
but most people give it a helluva try
in the end, the damned things will find their owner
every god forsaken time

The more you run the more that lost dog wants to come home
It will tear your world apart, it will piss on every overturned stone

Stupidity runs rampant in my family
probably yours to
take a look at your family tree
and see if someone elses crap finds you
that sins of the father stuff
is mostly true

my neck is killing me
heading to work
may have to make a few more rights to avoid the hard lefts
Sometimes left is right. Sometimes to write is wrong.
Someday everything you ever knew will be gone

while I am waxing poetic, something to think about
for every toy you own that you did not earn
is another generation that will make sure you burn

Today I am thankful for muscle relaxers, anti inflammatories, a tens unit and
of course, black coffee and rum
So I am half looped and half realizing
where all this crap is coming from
and I'm still hurting, in a state of
uncomfortably dumb

Remember, pain is just another way to know you are still alive.

But hey, I gotta be me. Spread the cheer

written, published and owned by Mark Burkenbine  November 28, 2013
copyright 2013 Mark Burkenbine

Burned Bridge/Ne'er do well

This isn't really a song, just song speakish, just some background music, maybe a band warm up.
 Burning Bridges.
 Some people just throw these old sayings about lightly.
You can't burn a bridge. Burning is easy. It is just setting something on fire. A spark could do that. So it is some kind of idiom for saying something that makes you angry. ooooo. Anyone that says you have burned a bridge over something you said is an over dramatic pain in the ass anyway. It should take more than words to remove anyone special from your life. It should take drastic actions. Very drastic actions.
That being said-I will repeat- bridges these days are metal and concrete. They don't burn.
Now ....Piss me off and I will tear that fucker down, and go build somewhere else and put a toll gate on it this time.
I have a special kind of anger:)... Kind of a ne'er do I seem grumpy?
Now lets go back to a happy place

do do do do, do do do do , dadadada.

Thank you for your time.  I mean that

written, published and owned by Mark Burkenbine  November 28, 2013
copyright 2013 Mark Burkenbine

Saturday, November 30, 2013

What would this be without a song

We are dying since the day we are born
told we should do things this way and that
but think for ourselves
 but don't question the "facts"

We can be anything we want to be

the haves are always so negative about
the have nots not being  positive
this makes lifes little ledger full of red

disease disappears but sometimes it comes back stronger
we supposedly came from apes but there are hints that
 we came from a leap that is much longer
but that is not often said

isn't it annoying being told what you need

if you don't think outside that box you live in
someone will bury you in the life you've been given
Find your own rules and earn where you belong
What would this be
without a song?

Email takes the postmans job
big box stores eat mom and pop alive
the internet makes it easy to publish
but authors will starve while web stocks thrive

 is anyone really making any money

it seems like the money is  moving from one place to another
workers making less and less
todays winner just made back what he lost yesterday
looks more and more like the future is a running guess

stocks are all a bubble,
 it is all speculation for guestimations  sake
sure looks like the whole economy
 is going to do another double take

if you don't think outside that box you live in
someone will bury you in the life you are given
Find your own rules and earn where you belong
What would all this be
without a song??
Aren't we all just trying to prove some asshole wrong?

Written , owned, published by Mark Burkenbine November 30, 2013
Copyright 2013 Mark Burkenbine

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Got a few book ideas
some lyrics written down
another business never started
no investors found

No plans in place
I am told talk is cheap
Just words on paper
Faith is such a leap

Hard to walk the wire without a net
so many ideas but nobody to convince yet
have to get dirty
shovel and maneuver

Nobody wants to be the wantrepreneur.

da da da da...da da da
da da da da   da da da

Written, created, published by Mark Burkenbine November 26, 2013
Copyright 2013 Mark Burkenbine

Silent Song

Can you hear the silent song?
They are coming to take my car away.
That's OK.
It has no purpose anymore

Can you hear the silent song?
Bill collectors calling all the time
It's a sign..It's always me vs.
another swinging door

Can you hear the silent song?

I'm writing songs as my world
comes down around me.
I'll believe in me.
They can take it all away.
It's OK.
I'm writing it down in my phone, but I'm
late paying the bill.

Can you hear the silent song?
That nobody sings still
or is it like that tree that falls in the woods?
Am I like a tree that nobody hears but should?
Am I a silent tree standing but someone wishes
I would...

Can you hear the silent song?
It's really not about me It's not
but they are coming to take my car away.
It's OK.
It's gone
Can you hear a silent song?
It's OK. It's mine.
I can hear it loud and clear
and in my time
It's are all fucking wrong.
Go listen to the music in your own head then.
World is full of people making static.
Can't you hear the silent song?
Animals can.

Written, created published by Mark Burkenbine November 26, 2013
Copyright 2013 Mark Burkenbine

Thinning of the Herd

A home without a family
is a house without a soul

Satan is lower middle management
compared to a wall street CEO

Our wars seem staged
every so many years

Ever wonder if a truth
hides behind our fears

Politicians hide behind the word
Pay attention, to the math
This is a slow thinning of a large herd

We keep living longer, almost twice a graceless age
Keep earning less and less of a living wage

Old believers hide behind the word
Pay attention, do the math
history says this is a thinning of the herd

Fast food is killing us
while processed food is filling us
but we only think we are going to die

We live twice as long
cause Dr and business says
we are worth more alive

The economics of it all is diabolical
economy is built on healthcare, market share, a wall street dare
and a false idols word
Look at history, do your math, follow the path
the slaughter and masters scare
It's another thinning of the herd

You work hard and you think you know what's going on
The best mousetrap ever built
just look for the cheese and try to stand the falls

Government, church and business have got you by the balls

It's in the history, the math and the stories you all know
We let all this happen again and again
and we shall be reaped by what we let sow.

Written, created, published by Mark Burkenbine , November 26, 2013.
Copyright 2013 Mark Burkenbine

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Deadbeat Dad Song. Deadbeat I did not want to be

I watch my kids
never take my advice
make the same mistakes
more than twice

why won't they listen
why is there no respect for me
would it be because
I walked out on the family

I've made my mistakes
it's true I know
but i'd never ever send you
down the road I chose

It doesn't matter if his life is great or hits the skids
EVERY Father wants it to be better for his kids

I didn't  have a plan  ,to be a better man
didn't bend, so no breaks to catch
are no
401 K
funds to match

Kids I haven't seen, owe taxes to the government
no life , health or dent  --for me
working night and day to find a way

I'm still the deadbeat I didn't want to be

I think I owe
everyone I ever met
I'm still trying to live up to their bet
working on something, all of my time, and yet
It's true what they say
you are a slave to your debt

how'd I wind up here
i'm not loose, lazy, or fancy free
but I have become the deadbeat

that I did not want to be

Look in the mirror
and what do I see

I'm a deadbeat, and my kids won't listen to me.

I am twice the man I used to be
but still not half the man I want my kids to see.

Baby, I was born Just call me Chuckles

written published and owned by Mark Burkenbine on November 10,2013
Copyright November 10, 2013 Mark Burkenbine

Friday, November 8, 2013

Laundry, death, & taxes

I smile when I can
These are the best times I've ever had
Mind is sharp, body is stronger
It doesn't care if I am happy
It doesn't care when

It doesn't care if it is peaceful
Or with a fight

I've tried so hard to improve
On my faults,choices, life
Pick my fights and numbers I add
Days are short when I need them longer
So many projects to finish and begin

It doesn't care if its peaceful
Or with a fight
Something is under my skin
And it's taking a bigger bite

For the first time I realize I may not succeed
Despite the effort of a lifetime
It doesn't care of my love for all I hold dear
It doesn't care how I feel when you are near

We will lose.
It will win.
You can't run
Fight, begin

Sometimes there is only the end.

Laundry ,death, & taxes
Stop digging deeper
Laundry, death, & taxes
Nothing leaves you feeling cheaper

How will your health fare
In a world of pretend
Nerves exposed and bare
To what is eating the soul beneath your skin

There are days
I could die
From the thought
Of that pain

written and owned by Mark Burkenbine copyright November 8, 2013

Saturday, November 2, 2013

A Thank You Card

Hope is not lost
because foolish pride
has finally set sail

Thank you,  for
reminding me that
silly dogs chase their own tail

Can't get ahead
while looking behind
I'll never rest again

Gladly do more than I can

I have everything
I will ever need
It's mine
and I get to carry that with me

I'll never
have to rest again

I'll never
HAVE to win

It's a feeling
that can't be forgotten

I married
my best friend

It feels as if
I'll never have
 to rest again

unless I want to

This must be the peaceful
that I never knew

would think peace
is an energy, a fuel
Thankful for you

Love you Amy

Written , owned and published November 1, 2013 by Mark Burkenbine
Copyright 2013 Mark Burkenbine

Sunday, October 27, 2013


You see a rich man
In a nice car
Got a big house
But did he come far?

I see a poor man
still walking miles
got no house
but he is all smiles

We all know people
that are hollow
happy in the middle
Born To Follow

It's all about High, It's all about zero
It's about what people
Don't see or don't know
it's not about privilege
or the money, It's about
time space and belief

It's about High, or it's about low
It is not about a size
It is not about a length
It's seizing an opportunity
and understanding
 a position
of strength

Would you know it?
Would you know it?
When it happened?
If it bit you on the face?

Would you know
the best thing
that ever happened?
The look, the feel, the smell, the taste?

The story of a lifetime
is not about the length

It is about knowing
WHEN you are IN
a position

Thank you for your time

written and owned by Mark Burkenbine copyright October 27, 2013

Monday, September 30, 2013



I want my kids to have
Everything I didn't have

I want my kids to have
Everything I had

I want my kids to live,love, learn
work hard, be happy, healthy
and never sad

I want my kids in college,
to be rich, frugal and kind

to be good neighbors, to be about the future
and remember fondly the past
they've left behind

I want my kids to be more
than I ever was

I want my kids to be everything I never was

I want my kids
to never do anything just because

I want my kids to live, love , learn, be happy,
healthy and never sad

I want my kids to have everything
I didn't have

I want my kids to have
everything I had

I want my kids
to embrace the good and the bad

I want my kids
to love their mom and dad

I want

Written ,  published and  owned by Mark Burkenbine
Copyright September 30, 2013

Friday, September 6, 2013

Every time I drive away

Every time I drive away
reminds me of why I want to stay
I can't wait          I can't wait
to turn around     and come on home

Every time I drive away
reminds me of why I want to stay
with you       I can't wait
to turn around and share our home

Leaving is easy
when you are looking down the road
to new and brighter days

It's always hard
to retrace your trail
when life reminds you of darker stays

It makes you look into the eyes
of the ones you hurt
along your  lonely unguided ways

Turns out staying is easy
when you find out what you want and need

The road ahead now calmly waits
the price to pay- for life this way
is the toll for the road I let leed

and facing the music and making amends
to the family and friends who once believed

Everyone has to pay the toll
for rolling down this road
Turns out staying is easy, when you find what you need

Every time I drive away
reminds me of why I want to stay
I can't wait
to turn around
and come on home

Every time I drive away
reminds me of why I want to stay
with you
I can't wait
to come on home

Owned and written by Mark Burkenbine, Copyright September 7 2013

Man in the Box

Since you won't listen to me anyway
I can write down what you want me to say
I can add a little feelin'
I can say it just right
It won't mean a thing      but
it will get us through the night
I can win an acting award tonight

There's a time and a place
and there's time you can't replace
to save words, to save face
when it is not about you

we whine and complain
a little to loud
and bitch and moan
in a public crowd
when it is time to shut up
It is not about you

It doesn't mean a thing
to the man in the box
if there was ever a time
respect the man in the box

Don't speak out of turn
you get what you earn
reap what you sow
don't speak of what you don't know

all old advice that should be heeded

is anyone teaching what was once believed in

we whine and complain just a little to loud
and bitch and moan in a public crowd
when it is time to shut up
it is not about you

It doesn't mean a thing to the man in the box
if there ever was a time, respect the man in the box
every body gets to have that day
respect the man in the box

Written and owned by Mark Burkenbine, copyright September 7, 2013

The grass is always greener

If you could see
what I can see
when I close my eyes and wander free

Some good times I'd never give up
Some memories, I'd trade for a beer
But in my mind the grass is always Greener right here

My emerald colored glasses
work better as time passes
the grass is always greener here
in the space, between my ears

Grass is always greener
the air is always cleaner
in the space between my ears
the grass is always greener
and the future is so green   over here

written and owned by Mark Burkenbine
published and copyright  September 6 , 2013


Perfect Speed

Perfect speed
 is when you have time
for something good to happen
- after things have gone all wrong

If you are still breathing
maybe it's a sign
telling you to fix
- what's gone on too long

I've got my share of issues
but it's not all about me
 doesn't every man want to do all he can
to help  his family

I've turned down this road before
it all seems familiar
so far in debt , but no reason to give up yet
or to pass on your responsibility
(I knew I should've turned left at Albuquerque)

A few times in my life
I've had a pain in my chest
I was sure I was going to die
& the bills are not what you think about
--surprise surprise

Doctor said it's gas
This to, shall pass
Love is about living, loving
& never saying goodbyes

Perfect speed
 is when you have time
for something good to happen
after things have gone all wrong

if you're still breathing
It is a sign
telling you to fix
what has gone on to long

Thank you for your time

written and owned by Mark Burkenbine copyright Aug 28 2013