All material is original, created and copyright Mark Burkenbine 2013-2024

Saturday, November 30, 2013

What would this be without a song

We are dying since the day we are born
told we should do things this way and that
but think for ourselves
 but don't question the "facts"

We can be anything we want to be

the haves are always so negative about
the have nots not being  positive
this makes lifes little ledger full of red

disease disappears but sometimes it comes back stronger
we supposedly came from apes but there are hints that
 we came from a leap that is much longer
but that is not often said

isn't it annoying being told what you need

if you don't think outside that box you live in
someone will bury you in the life you've been given
Find your own rules and earn where you belong
What would this be
without a song?

Email takes the postmans job
big box stores eat mom and pop alive
the internet makes it easy to publish
but authors will starve while web stocks thrive

 is anyone really making any money

it seems like the money is  moving from one place to another
workers making less and less
todays winner just made back what he lost yesterday
looks more and more like the future is a running guess

stocks are all a bubble,
 it is all speculation for guestimations  sake
sure looks like the whole economy
 is going to do another double take

if you don't think outside that box you live in
someone will bury you in the life you are given
Find your own rules and earn where you belong
What would all this be
without a song??
Aren't we all just trying to prove some asshole wrong?

Written , owned, published by Mark Burkenbine November 30, 2013
Copyright 2013 Mark Burkenbine

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